Proposed Solutions for the Second-Generation Cut-Off and Section 10 Voting Thresholds
A funding proposal form for First Nations and Indigenous Organizations to submit options for solutions as part of the Collaborative Process on the Second-Generation Cut-off and Section 10 Voting Thresholds.
Privacy Statement
The collection, use and disclosure of personal information by Registration and Membership is authorized under the Indian Act, and is in accordance with the requirements of Privacy Act. Information collected will be used exclusively to assess and communicate the status of the submitted funding application. The collection, use and disclosure of your personal information is required for establishing a point of contact to receive potential Departmental funding. Personal information will be retained pursuant to the Privacy Act and its Regulations.
The collection of information is described in the ISC PPU 110 located in the departmental InfoSource, available at Individuals have the right to the protection of, access to and request the correction of their personal information under the Privacy Act. If you require clarification concerning the Privacy Notice Statement, please contact the Departmental Access to Information and Privacy Office at 1-819-997-8277 or by email at
For more information on privacy issues, your right to file a complaint and the Privacy Act in general, you can consult the Privacy Commissioner at 1-800-282-1376.